A complete guide to lead magnets

A complete guide to lead magnets
What are lead magnets? Have you ever noticed that you visit a website and they ask for your contact information? Or to sign up for

What are lead magnets?

Have you ever noticed that you visit a website and they ask for your contact information? Or to sign up for their newsletter? Yes! These are called lead magnets. Many people do it because they want to stay updated about things of interest. It is like an exchange offer; your prospect came to you for a solution and you helped him in return for his contact information. We all have encountered lead magnets but we are unfamiliar with its name. I hope I made it clear to you.

What are Lead Magnets
What are Lead Magnets

Lead magnet ideas for you

Keeping everything in mind, we want to share the frequently used lead magnet ideas. There are,


Infographics or pictures are a great way to depict something. People who cannot read prefer infographics over text all the time. You can create a story, rely on a message or make your comics.


EBooks are a very effective lead magnet strategy. People usually give out their contact information because the eBook isn’t easily available. You should try that your eBook doesn’t reach a wide range of people. 



People love taking quizzes and finding out what kind of bread they are. Therefore, these make an excellent lead magnet. You can create your quiz or survey and then add it to your website.



People love these. They help solve their queries and they are popular. People often watch videos and demos. These help out with things because seeing is better than reading.


People take the opinion of the internet while comparing two similar things. Such comparison helps them see the pros and cons of the products so they can decide one. 

How to generate leads that people can’t ignore?

Many people, including us, close the tab and don’t sign up. How to avoid this? There are many strategies you can use. It starts by creating powerful and effective lead magnets. If you keep all these things in mind, it is unlikely that your customers will ignore your lead magnet.

Understand customer psychology

Let’s suppose, your target audience is teenage girls. If you understand their mind, their preferences, you may be able to make your lead magnet attractive. Many people will visit your page but only your audience should be impressed with your work and give out the contact information. 

Make your mission clear

Your company’s goals should always be clear. This is how people know what you stand up for. For example, if you choose quality and deliver the best products. People may buy it even if it’s a little expensive.

Choose the correct lead magnet according to your audience

I’ve mentioned different types of lead magnets in the first part of this blog. You must carefully select your lead magnets based on your audience. If your audience is 13-year Olds, you will have infographics and tutorials. 

Analyze your work

The same strategy doesn’t work every time. You must analyze your progress and work accordingly. It is better to research such matters. If you used a webinar and it didn’t get the right number of people, you can learn from your mistakes and try again.

Update your content frequently

This is very important. It concerns both the new leads and the old ones. Your content should be the best in both quality and quantity. Your new content will inspire the prospects and they would want to see more of it. Your existing leads should also see your content because they signed up for this. 

Don’t just say, show them

Some people can be unfamiliar with your business and work. It is better if they try it themselves. Many companies offer a free trial, a demo to show their work to the customers.

Lead magnet funnel

A lead magnet funnel is just like a sales funnel but it is slightly modified. There is a lead magnet at the top. The lead magnet funnel aims to generate sales by giving the prospects something in return.

Lead Magnet Funnel
Lead Magnet Funnel

How to make a lead magnet?

Now I will update you on how to create a lead magnet? There are many tools for this purpose. You can create your lead magnet without a single penny. These tools like,

  • Canva 
  • Smallpdf
  • Wistia
  • Piktochart
  • Gleam

All these platforms can help you to create different types of lead magnets. Lead magnets are a good idea for a business. You should try as well.